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VEUS? - Pòsters lenticulars / Lenticular posters

Com reaccionem davant d'un company de feina que ha d'estar dos mesos de baixa per un accident? I si la baixa és per depressió? Què pensaríem d’un amic que hagués de suspendre un viatge perquè l'han d'operar? I si fos perquè ha patit un brot psicòtic? Per què sentim compassió quan pensem en una planta d'oncologia i, en canvi, un hospital psiquiàtric ens fa por?
Tot i els avenços científics i humanitaris de les últimes dècades, segueix existint un tabú al voltant de les malalties mentals. La falta d'informació disponible i la complexitat emocional d'aquests trastorns ens ha portat a construir una narrativa distorsionada basada en supòsits inexactes, creant un cercle de por-rebuig-ignorància que ha existit durant segles.
Per lluitar contra l'estigma és necessari que revisem quines de les nostres actituds es basen en estereotips i prejudicis i que escoltem les veus de les persones afectades abans de formar-nos les nostres opinions.
"Veus?" és un Treball de Final de Diploma de disseny gràfic que intenta lluitar contra l'estigma associat als trastorns mentals. Consta d'una sèrie de posters lenticulars i un llibre il·lustrat.
Cada pòster conté una experiència real viscuda per una persona amb un trastorn mental, en dues versions: canviant la malaltia mental per una condició física, i sense canviar-la. Els pòsters estan pensats per a que el lector s'hagi de moure per a llegir cada versió.
How do we react to a co-worker who has been two months on a sick leave because of an accident? And if their absence is due to depression? What would we think of a friend who had to cancel a trip because they need to undergo surgery? What if it was because it suffered a psychotic outbreak? Why do we feel compassion when we think of an oncology plant and, instead, a psychiatric hospital makes us affraid?
Despite the scientific and humanitarian advances of the last decades, there is still a taboo around mental illness. The lack of available information and the emotional complexity of these disorders has led us to build up a distorted narrative based on inaccurate assumptions, creating a circle of fear-rejection-ignorance that has existed for centuries.
To fight against stigma, we need to re-evaluate which of our attitudes are based on stereotypes and prejudices and to listen to the voices of those affected by mental disorders before forming our opinions.
"Veus?" is a Final Degree Graphic Design project intended to fight the stigma associated with mental disorders.
Each poster features an account of someone who suffers from a mental illness, in two versions: with said illness replaced with a physical condition, or as is. The viewer must change their angle of observation in order to read both of the versions.
"During a family gather, someone saw the marks in my wrists. Looking displeased, they said: "What is that?"
"During a family gather, someone saw the scars from my surgery. Looking displeased, they said: "What is that?"
"For two years I've been living with a medular injury. An acquaintance told me: "It's not that bad, you're overreacting."
"For two years I've been living with a major depression. An acquaintance told me: "It's not that bad, you're overreacting."
"...she told me she had a perfect life, and she couldn't have a friend with a mental disorder because it's contagious." 
"...she told me she had a perfect life, and she couldn't have a friend with a breast cancer because it's contagious."
VEUS? - Pòsters lenticulars / Lenticular posters

VEUS? - Pòsters lenticulars / Lenticular posters

VEUS? és un projecte de final de diploma de disseny gràfic que intenta lluitar contra l'estigma associat als trastorns mentals. Consta d'una sèri Read More
